Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Strap up for a pick up – Meet girls the right way

Strap up for a pick up – Meet girls the right way

(Image source from http://www.lookoutforlove.com/ )
Meeting women has always been a risky challenge for men since the dawn of time; from the banging of the clubs to meet other cavewomen back in the pre-historic era to the exchange and volley of pick up lines to pick up attractive women at your nearest club, bar or party.

Why a risky challenge? Well, men don’t always have that 100% guarantee that they will walk away with some girl’s number every night if they chose to go out. It takes a lot more than corny pick up lines to approach women. It takes guts, keen thinking, an observant eye, and a swaying tongue to pick up women. Here’s why:

1.) Guts – you need the confidence to go up to a woman and initiate a conversation with her. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t have the guts to even say something remotely nice to her just enough to light the fuse for a conversation. Approach women with confidence, not cockiness. Don’t be that overconfident jock of a guy who likes to flex his biceps and show off his abs, but be that guy next door, exuding confidence and humility at the same time. Girls like guys who are meek and believe it or not, they find it cute when guys are intimidated by them.

2.) Keen thinking – A keen thought is the key on how to pick up women. The scenario you play out on your head will not ALWAYS play out in real life, so be ready to think of your exit line (how you plan to get out or close the conversation) before you even approach women. Superheroes always have a fancy entrance and exit gracefully. It’s very important to think on your feet in case something doesn’t play out the way you want it to or something comes unexpectedly.

3.) Observant eye – is an important strategy to maintaining the interest of a woman if you have already initiated a conversation with her. Don’t let your eyes linger to the parts where the eyes shouldn’t go. Example, observe her arms, if they are a bit muscular, ask her if she goes out to the gym or does some rock climbing or swimming. Girls like it when we take notice of other things than their breasts or butt. Every single detail counts, like examining a marble masterpiece.

4.) Swaying tongue – keeps women’s attention to you. Always have a joke to share, a serious topic here and there, and don’t ever spill out more beans that you’re supposed to. Girls don’t find it funny when you tell them about that hilarious weekend you had when you got so drunk you did something embarrassing.

So now you have a little insight on what to do on how to pick up women. Do it right and you might end up with a number in your hand and a date in a couple of days. Do it wrong and you might get a drink in the face or pepper spray. Don’t come too strong to women and don’t look so desperate to pick up women, believe me they can sense when men are desperate to pick up girls.

Approach women the right way with these pickup lines that work, only at SELFHELPEDIA.
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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Money from your Hobby

Every individual are passionate on a particular thing which would require one’s skills and talents. It is normally called hobby and this exists even in during the Middle Age. But your hobby can be more than knitting gloves, writing poems or growing a garden of various sorts. It can also be a source of livelihood if only you have the passion and the proper mindset. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra income while doing your hobby? Much more you can even get involved with your current hobby and improve your ability towards it. If the turnout is good or more than you expected financially, you can even make your hobby the job for you and restrain from employment and be the boss of your very own business. Make your hobby an asset to improve your ability and even improve you financially. Thus, presented here are different steps in how to make it a reality.

Step 1: Identify what you really like. Hobbies are as varied as human beings. In this world, multiple hobby ventures are presented and different person can have different fields of specialization. Therefore, one must determine where your interest lies. For such interest will drive you to the maximum and will boost your confidence. It all lies in enthusiasm and that will be the burning fire and desire to help you personally. Do not lie on hearsays and other easy money ventures from someone close or someone you know. What might be their interest and field may not mean your interest as well. Focus on yourself and the desire to pursue the craft in a way that is productive and beneficial. You may go with the flow or fight the current trend but nonetheless knowing what you really want and the specific area that you’re good at you can be sure of success and contentment in the future.

Step 2: Learn new things in your chosen hobby. Once you already identified a path that you like and perhaps love, it is time to dig deeper and indulge yourself in. Certain resources and study should be made in order to know the simple and complicated things that might come in the process. Seek helpful tips from existing entrepreneurs or individuals whom you know that have the same passion as yours. They can provide you with hints and roads that can truly benefit you and possible pitfalls. In addition, these can help you foresee your future hobby and business as a whole. You may know a thing or two about your hobby but you need to learn more to compete with others in the same field as yours. Your current knowledge may not be enough to vie in the market if you have plans to succeed and earn more profit. You need to read and review resources and if possible read books and learn from experts. This not only enhances your existing awareness on your hobby but also revolutionizes your craft in a way or two. As such information is truly powerful. So do not be left behind from the others but rather to introduce new techniques.

Step 3: Ensure your financial status. Every hobby needs a capital amount in order to start. Thus you need to know how much you would be expecting to spend and the possible profit that you can gain. These only take simple mathematical calculations and certain operations. Once the necessary expenses and expenditures are tallied out, you need to know where you can gain them. Perhaps, a savings will do if only a small amount will do for such hobby. On the other hand, one can possibly spend thousands of sums if necessary. If you don’t have the necessary savings to help you stand financially, other resources can be made use like banks and loaning companies. They may offer little interests and can even provide you different plans according to your budget and salary. But assure yourself that you can be able to pay them in time with the interest. Predict possible profits that can you gain and inculcate it in the amount that you would like to loan. It is better to know these options or you’ll end up with piles of debts which you wouldn’t want to experience.

Step 4: Organize a business plan. After the few steps had been reviewed and implemented it would then be best to lay out a plan for the business. Like an architect and engineer that need a blueprint for any construction project, so are you who are new to the business. Even if the hobby that you chose is easy to make and you think you already know the ins and outs of it, you need to devise a way that can help you layout the whole production of your craft. In line with this, you need to know your target audience of the hobby. For example if your hobby is writing about jewelries, your best audience for this kind would be women of a specific age group. Normally children like colorful jewelries while teens like funky jewelries. Women in their twenties would like embellishments with gemstones and other metallic ore. Classifying your age group and your audience will greatly enhance your hobby for you are targeting a specific set and learn from their line of interests. Furthermore in having a business plan, you need to take note of any possible occurrences and scenario. Say for instance if a certain holiday event will come in your area, why not enhance your output’s hobby to suit the event. Devise also plans that will help advertise your craft and showcase to other individuals. Thus careful planning needs to be developed in this phase.

Step 5: Begin to Work. Plans with no action can be equivalent to nothing. Thus if you already laid out your personal outputs out of the previous steps it is now time to work. By working, you will need to implement your blueprint and learn to start building. Thus, it is now time to set aside a time to develop your hobby and a time to advertise and to up sell them. You need to toil and labor in order to pursue your new business venture. If there would be possibilities of expansion, it would be best to train someone whom you know who can help you with your hobby in the future. This not only let you share your knowledge and expertise but also have someone whom you can rely and relate to.

Making money from your business is no easy task. The procedures may be tough if you really want to sell and earn more. Thus, a proper mindset and attitude can help you drive during the tiresome days and nights. Small hobbies can help you financially in one way or another. Aside from that, you get to do things that you like and love. So do not waste your hobby skill into nothing. Continuously learn from it and develop it into your own advantage and benefit. Start learning a hobby and start earning. It will never fail you in whatever undertakings.

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