Monday, February 15, 2010

Which Weight Loss Diet Plan is best for Me – The A-Z of the Popular Diet Plans

On Diets and the Media
In our desperate effort to lose the weight, we often look for alternative weight loss diets on the Internet, or consult with our local dietician. The media also does its fair share of giving the limelight on popular diets used by celebrities and personality icons. We always hold celebrities true to their word when promoting a product or lifestyle or even a weight loss diet plan, like how Paris Hilton is going about with a puppy in her hand and you now see teens carrying puppies as well. “If they can do it/use it, why can’t we?” would be the first thing in our mind to pop up whenever we see a celebrity promote something.

The Harsh Reality
On a more realistic perspective, the dangers of obesity will always lurk around in the corners of our lives. Obesity leads to a number of unwanted and sometimes fatal ailments like heart and organ problems. The more weight we gain, the more we’re putting ourselves at risk. With that in mind, the importance of maintaining our weight in the normal areas grows. Pharmaceutical companies have developed chemical based fat burners and diet supplements while some companies go for the all natural products like an acai berry dietary supplement or a green tea supplement to lose weight and cleanse the body as well. All in all, aside from dietary supplements, a weight loss diet plan can also help you shed off the excess pounds.

The A – Z of Weight Loss Diets
A good deal of research on diet plans is always the first and best thing you can do. To make your research load a bit lighter, here are the popular diet plans that you may want to try:

90/10 Diet – Joy Bauer twists traditional diets by allowing you to consume “fun foods” that you can enjoy as long as you follow healthy eating habits.
5-Factor Diet – a book authored by fitness trainer Harley Pasternak which requires the consumption of 5 meals, made of 5 ingredients, daily.
Atkins’ Diet – is a popular low carb diet made by the late Dr. Robert Atkins, MD.
Best Life Diet – another book written by fitness trainer Bob Greene (of Oprah Fame) which focuses on making healthier choices such as choosing whole grains over refined carbohydrates.
Jenny Craig – a weight loss program involving the consumption of pre-packaged, portion controlled meals and regularly speaking to a counselor.
Nutri/System – gives you pre-prepared food ordered through the mail. This is based on the Glycemic Index, rating food on how they affect the blood sugar.
The Schwarzbein Principle – this program focuses on the connection between carbohydrates and insulin levels, as well as encouraging the consumption of high protein foods such as meat while limiting carbohydrates.
Somersizing – one of the health and diet books by Actress Suzanne Somers which encourages combining foods and eliminating certain foods. It’s also referred to by the author as Somersizing.
The South Beach Diet – created by Dr. Arthur Agatston, MD. The diet focuses on limiting carbohydrates while increasing good fats intake at the same time.
Sugarbusters – according to the authors of The New Sugarbusters!: Cut Sugar to Trim Fat, sugar and not fat makes us overweight.
Volumetrics – a book written by Dr. Barbara Rolls, which says that eating foods that fill up less calories will help you lose the weight without feeling you’re actually on a diet.
Weight Watchers – one of the most successful and well-known weight loss programs which offers a flexible plan that anyone can follow.
The Zone – is created by Dr. Barry Sears which requires you to balance the correct ratio of carbs, fat and protein intake in order to successfully follow the plan.

A weight loss diet plan is never 100% effective if they are not coupled with proper exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Our health is probably the best investment we can make in our lifetime. Spending thousands of dollars in medical bills can be avoided by just following your diet plan and proper exercise. Save on your hard-earned money and start living the healthy life. Believe me; it’s better than investing in the stock market.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Girl’s guide to dating geeks – How to date men 101

By definition taken from Wikipedia, the word geek is a slang term, noting individuals as “a peculiar or otherwise odd person, especially one who is perceived to be overly obsessed with one or more things including those of intellectuality, electronics, etc.” When it comes to dating or even socializing, geeks aren’t that inclined to mingling with other people.

So supposing one does manage to ask a girl out on a date, the burden of socializing with the opposite sex is quite heavy. But did you know girls who get asked out by geeks also have a hard time on their own; especially with the thought of wanting to know on how to date a guy who is technologically inclined and far more intellectual than they are. Believe it or not, women often get intimidated when it comes to intellectual men. Women’s mentality is that geeks tend to take good care of their woman friends, giving the kind of comfort that only they can provide. So do you want to know how to date men who are obsessed with Star Wars, Star Trek, knows the latest technology coming in and knows just about everything under the sun? Read on to find out some important tidbits and advices on how to date men who are on an intellectual level with Albert Einstein:

How to date men tip #1 – Compliment them with their attire. I know this sounds Manly-ish, but geeks put a lot of effort to get dressed for a date. Appreciation is a give and take relationship.

How to date men tip #2 – Get to know them behind the intellectual façade. Just because geeks have peculiar taste doesn’t mean you won’t have interests in common. You might be surprised if the geek you are dating knows about the latest shows which also interest you.

How to date men tip#3 – Don’t be too hard on the guy. Geeks also have feelings too and just like any other guy, will still feel hurt when they are rejected or left at the bar. When you and your geek are at a bar and you see a friend, don’t leave him to rot but instead introduce him to your friend or acquaintance. This act will help him get over his own obstacle of mingling with other people.

How to date men tip#4 – Listen to him. Geeks love to rant, especially just about anything. I know you can agree with him on some of his rants and this will often lead to a healthy and somehow intellectual conversation. Doing this will ease up his tension because he is with a girl and doing this will also help you get to know the guy.
There are so many possibilities to what you can do when it comes to dating geeks. Of course, geeks also have different variations as stated earlier. In the end, it all comes down to knowing a little something about the guy and in return helping him overcome certain social obstacles. Who knows, you might even enjoy his company and continue to seek out more of it.
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Saturday, February 13, 2010

How to ask a girl out – Easy tips on how to get a date

Asking a girl out is always one of most daunting and scary tasks guys have to put with. Before a relationship blooms, it always boils down on how a guy and girl go about on their dates. Yet, before a date comes into play, the guy has to ask a girl out on a date first.

Even the seasoned daters have trouble asking girls out on a date simply because girls are always on the defensive for looking out for guys who just want to fool around. This makes it harder for guys who are just starting to date as well. Whether in school, at work, church or simply in the neighborhood, there will always be girls who will get our attention and who we want to go out with. But how does one break the ice and get the courage to talk to the girl? Here are some tips on how to get a date.

How to get a date tidbit #1 – Know the status first. Make sure she’s not married or currently in a relationship. You don’t want to be the reason why she’s having relationship problems.

How to get a date tidbit # 2 – Indulge her in conversation. Don’t ask her out impromptu just because you’ve taken a liking to her. Break the ice by making small talk and let the conversation flow naturally.

How to get a date tidbit # 3 – Don’t be hasty. As stated in number 2, don’t ask her out simply because you’re attracted to her. This will increase the chance of rejection on your part and she will just think you’re weird and creepy.

These are just some of the most important things to do on how to get a date. When you are successful, the next thing you will be thinking of is how to date women.
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Friday, February 12, 2010

First date ideas – Ideas to help you land a second date

First dates are always crucial in every relationship. Before you or the girl will even decide to have another date with you, the first date will be the deciding factor.

Why are first dates important? Generally speaking, first dates are like the baby steps to a relationship. First impressions are made during the first dates, and will most likely determine if the girl will want to have another date with you. Asking her out is always that big obstacle in every guy’s life and no matter how “seasoned” the guy is at dating, it will always be like asking a girl out for the first time. After asking a girl out, the next big obstacle would be what to do on a first date. This is a problem since we really don’t want to embarrass ourselves in front of our lady friend. Here are some first date ideas that will help you land a second date or maybe more:

1.) Where to go on a first date – first dates are usually just conversations and getting to know each other so I would pretty much suggest to take your girl out to a restaurant for a comfortable atmosphere, and then maybe a coffee shop or bar to continue where you left off after leaving the restaurant. Of course, you can always opt to go out of the box and do something unique. Girls love it when guys are spontaneous.
2.) What to wear on a first date – depending on the location and setting of your date, always make sure to dress for the occasion. Seriously, you can’t go about wearing a shirt and jogging pants on a fancy restaurant, or a wear a coat and tie on an outdoor picnic. Ask your partner what she will wear on that night so you can match or compliment her attire, that way you two will look so adorable together.
3.) What to say on a first date – as stated, we don’t want to embarrass ourselves. All you have to do is just be honest whenever a girl asks you something. You can also compliment her. Girls love compliments. Avoid long and awkward silences. Be spontaneous with your conversations and keep it flowing. Make one topic lead to another. Ask her about her likes, dislikes, and so on. This will come in useful at a later time.

These are just the general first date ideas that work for almost always. Everything else will pretty much depend on you. Never be afraid to be spontaneous and go out of the box. You can go out on a limb to make the girl feel extra special and this will help you land a second date. One last thing, just be yourself. Yes, this is a very tiring and boring advice that we hear when going out on dates but in a manner of speaking, girls don’t like it when you pretend to be someone you’re not.
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

First date tips – how to make it a fun first date

Preparing for a first date is by far one of the most nerve-wrecking things any guy or girl will have to endure. From the “what outfit to wear to the dinner/lunch spot to what to do after” planning, our mentality at this point is “everything I do or say must be perfect and I must not slip up”.

Generally speaking, first dates are important because you are setting up the foundation for what could be a very nice relationship. Asking for a second and third and fourth and so on date will be determined on how you go on about the first date. Seriously, first impressions LAST when it comes to first dates. Sometimes girls will judge a guy on their first date by the location and setting of their date and how well a guy has planned the evening. But take note, the pressure is just isn’t on the guys but on the girls as well. Girls also have to put on a good impression if they want to be asked out on a second date or if they want the guy to be interested in them. All in all, first dates are nerve-wrecking but worthwhile. Here are just some fun first date tips for guys:

1.) Sports and outdoor activities – who said first dates should only involve dinner and a show? Be spontaneous. Take her hiking and then a picnic at the end of the summit or trail. Come up with a couples sport like badminton or tennis and have a cold drink after the game. Bonds formed in these dates are far closer than the usual dinner date.

2.) Concerts / Theaters – so you opt to have the usual dinner date as a means of getting to know each other, and after dinner, now what? Bars and coffee shops are old news now. Get a hold of your local theater for the listings of shows and concerts and set up your date on that particular date. Who knows, you might uncover something about her unknowingly like how she’s a fan of theatrical play, musicals, etc.

These are just some out of the box fun first date tips for guys out there. The possibilities are limitless when it comes to dating. Just pick one and make it work for you. Remember, girls love it when guys are spontaneous and think out of the box from time to time.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do I get my ex boyfriend back – When women realize their mistake of breaking up

There are always two sides of a story. When it comes to relationships, it’s usually the guys who are at fault for the break up. When women are at fault, it may take some time for them to realize before they ask themselves “how do I get my ex boyfriend back” or when they see their ex with someone else.

Breaking up is never easy. When women find it hard to move on after a break up, it may take some time for them to move on, most especially if they are the ones who are at fault for breaking up. In general, people find it hard to admit to their mistakes when they realize what they’ve done, and in a relationship point of view, when one or the other commits a mistake, they usually don’t admit to it. Sometimes all it takes for a person to realize their mistakes is when they see their ex is happy with someone else. It’s a harsh reality but more often than not, this happens to majority of us. When you start asking yourself “how do I get my ex boyfriend back”, then chances are you are now realizing what you’ve done after the break up. But worry not, there is still a chance that you can get your ex back and here is what you need to do:

1.) Admit to your mistakes by talking to your ex boyfriend.
2.) Re-evaluate where you went wrong in your relationship.
3.) Avoid the same mistakes if you are given a second chance.

Of course, you really can’t force your ex boyfriend to get back with you if he is already happy with someone else. But you can never be happy with yourself if you don’t admit to your mistakes. Mistakes will always haunt us and it is the price we pay for doing so but the best part in mistakes is that we make sure that we avoid doing them all over again.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Break up lines 101 – What people say during a break up

There are just tons of break up lines used by so many people and mind you, they are not just for show but some are actually sincere. In terms of some of the lines being cheesy because of being overused, most people think that saying these lines during a break up is just an excuse to say the truth about why they really want to break up.

Breaking up can make you say the most stupid or most sincere things to your partner, regardless of the reason why you want to break up. Some of the more cliché break up lines is often misunderstood as lame excuses for getting out of a relationship, when in all that is fair, the line may actually be the truth. Here are some break up lines that are cliché but are often the truth when people break up:

1) I just don’t love you anymore – one of the harshest lines ever. To say this during a break up is painful, for both sides.
2) It’s not you, it’s me – well, sometimes, we don’t want to complicate our partner’s lives and we do the martyr thing by getting out of a relationship because we want our partners to be happy.
3) Things didn’t go as I planned – we all have expectations in a relationship. Unfulfilled expectations can often lead to a break up if the matter is not discussed properly.
4) We’re just two different people – when a relationship starts, you don’t see your partner’s incompatibilities with you for a time. When you see your partner’s true side, it never hurts to point it out to them that you are uncomfortable with that side.

Honesty is always the best policy. Communicating with your partner is always the best alternative to breaking up. Though those are just some of the cliché break up lines that are overused, they are actually in itself the truth on why people want out. Sure, some are selfish and some are selfless, but regardless of how you communicate with your partner, a break up may be avoided.
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Monday, February 8, 2010

Weight Loss for Men – What to do for a leaner you!

When it comes to losing weight, men are as conscious about their figures as women. With more men going for the ripped and lean figure than the Arnold Schwarzenegger build, more and more pharmaceutical companies are developing products intended for fat loss and/or weight loss for men. I also go to the gym and follow a customized gym program intended for body fat loss and strength training and I am here to share with you what I think may help you in your quest to lose the weight.

Gym and Exercise Programs
When it comes to working out at the gym, there are a lot of options that one may take and each has its own effect on the body and figure. Some programs are intended for great strength, like Olympic powerlifters, and some programs are intended for simply getting ripped and toned, like that of Hugh Jackman in his latest X-Men flick. Whatever the goal that you have in mind for both your weight loss and figure, it’s always important to stick to it. Most men run out of patience and simply give up, returning to the state of flab they were once in. It’s a harsh reality, but muscles don’t grow overnight (like Arnold’s size, in a manner of speaking) and it would usually take a couple of weeks or so before you can see some results and it all depends on the frequency of how you work out. Aside from programs focused on losing weight and getting ripped, there are also programs focused on gaining mass, intended for those wanting to join bodybuilding competitions. The best thing about these gym programs is that they are infinitely variable; you can adjust it according to your needs and to keep yourself from getting bored (Boredom during training is also a reason why people stop going to the gym). Talk with your fitness instructor / personal trainer to help you with a program that would best suit your needs.

Products Intended for Fat Loss and Weight Loss for Men
Aside from the usual body building supplements that most men (and in rare cases, women), use, there are also weight loss products intended for use before and after working out. Some products would contain natural ingredients like green tea, acai berry or any other natural herbal supplements designed for weight loss. Whey protein products or protein shakes contain fat burning ingredients that would not only help you get the figure that you want or weight that you desire. Fat loss or fat burning products are also used to “sculpt” the body of its remaining fats, making you look leaner and ripped.

Eat Like A Leopard
EAT LIKE A LEOPARD, LOOK LIKE A LEOPARD. I heard this line from my gym instructor. The necessary diet to lose weight or to help in fat loss is to eat food with high amounts of protein. Leopards, the jungle feline, have a diet strictly based on consuming meat and with the exercise that they do (running around to catch their prey, thereby working not only the legs but the entire body), it’s no wonder that they look lean. This is just a simple comparison to what a high protein diet would help you accomplish. If you feel that your decision may be inadequate when it comes to your intake, consult with your local dietician or nutrition expert to help you formulate a diet plan according to your needs.

These are just the basic TO DO lists when it comes to fat loss and/or weight loss for men, and whatever steps you may choose to take, it is always important that you never give up. Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say. With the right diet and program, you are going to be on your way for a leaner, meaner hunk.
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