Thursday, February 11, 2010

First date tips – how to make it a fun first date

Preparing for a first date is by far one of the most nerve-wrecking things any guy or girl will have to endure. From the “what outfit to wear to the dinner/lunch spot to what to do after” planning, our mentality at this point is “everything I do or say must be perfect and I must not slip up”.

Generally speaking, first dates are important because you are setting up the foundation for what could be a very nice relationship. Asking for a second and third and fourth and so on date will be determined on how you go on about the first date. Seriously, first impressions LAST when it comes to first dates. Sometimes girls will judge a guy on their first date by the location and setting of their date and how well a guy has planned the evening. But take note, the pressure is just isn’t on the guys but on the girls as well. Girls also have to put on a good impression if they want to be asked out on a second date or if they want the guy to be interested in them. All in all, first dates are nerve-wrecking but worthwhile. Here are just some fun first date tips for guys:

1.) Sports and outdoor activities – who said first dates should only involve dinner and a show? Be spontaneous. Take her hiking and then a picnic at the end of the summit or trail. Come up with a couples sport like badminton or tennis and have a cold drink after the game. Bonds formed in these dates are far closer than the usual dinner date.

2.) Concerts / Theaters – so you opt to have the usual dinner date as a means of getting to know each other, and after dinner, now what? Bars and coffee shops are old news now. Get a hold of your local theater for the listings of shows and concerts and set up your date on that particular date. Who knows, you might uncover something about her unknowingly like how she’s a fan of theatrical play, musicals, etc.

These are just some out of the box fun first date tips for guys out there. The possibilities are limitless when it comes to dating. Just pick one and make it work for you. Remember, girls love it when guys are spontaneous and think out of the box from time to time.


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