Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Strap up for a pick up – Meet girls the right way

Strap up for a pick up – Meet girls the right way

(Image source from http://www.lookoutforlove.com/ )
Meeting women has always been a risky challenge for men since the dawn of time; from the banging of the clubs to meet other cavewomen back in the pre-historic era to the exchange and volley of pick up lines to pick up attractive women at your nearest club, bar or party.

Why a risky challenge? Well, men don’t always have that 100% guarantee that they will walk away with some girl’s number every night if they chose to go out. It takes a lot more than corny pick up lines to approach women. It takes guts, keen thinking, an observant eye, and a swaying tongue to pick up women. Here’s why:

1.) Guts – you need the confidence to go up to a woman and initiate a conversation with her. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t have the guts to even say something remotely nice to her just enough to light the fuse for a conversation. Approach women with confidence, not cockiness. Don’t be that overconfident jock of a guy who likes to flex his biceps and show off his abs, but be that guy next door, exuding confidence and humility at the same time. Girls like guys who are meek and believe it or not, they find it cute when guys are intimidated by them.

2.) Keen thinking – A keen thought is the key on how to pick up women. The scenario you play out on your head will not ALWAYS play out in real life, so be ready to think of your exit line (how you plan to get out or close the conversation) before you even approach women. Superheroes always have a fancy entrance and exit gracefully. It’s very important to think on your feet in case something doesn’t play out the way you want it to or something comes unexpectedly.

3.) Observant eye – is an important strategy to maintaining the interest of a woman if you have already initiated a conversation with her. Don’t let your eyes linger to the parts where the eyes shouldn’t go. Example, observe her arms, if they are a bit muscular, ask her if she goes out to the gym or does some rock climbing or swimming. Girls like it when we take notice of other things than their breasts or butt. Every single detail counts, like examining a marble masterpiece.

4.) Swaying tongue – keeps women’s attention to you. Always have a joke to share, a serious topic here and there, and don’t ever spill out more beans that you’re supposed to. Girls don’t find it funny when you tell them about that hilarious weekend you had when you got so drunk you did something embarrassing.

So now you have a little insight on what to do on how to pick up women. Do it right and you might end up with a number in your hand and a date in a couple of days. Do it wrong and you might get a drink in the face or pepper spray. Don’t come too strong to women and don’t look so desperate to pick up women, believe me they can sense when men are desperate to pick up girls.

Approach women the right way with these pickup lines that work, only at SELFHELPEDIA.


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